Green Home Verifier Services
ENERGY STAR verification We provide inspections for builders of ENERGY STAR homes. Our ENERGY STAR verification process is listed below. |
Preconstruction: |

| Computer analysis of home to obtain HERS rating |

| Computer analysis of upgrades or options that are being considered |

| Meeting to discuss specifications with builder and subcontractors |
Inspections: |

| Pre-insulation Inspection to verify air sealing measures |

| Pre-drywall Thermal Bypass Inspection |

| Final inspection including envelope air leakage and duct leakage testing |
Documentation: |

| All necessary paperwork to be submitted for ENERGY STAR qualification |

| Documentation provided for rebates and incentives that are available |
NAHB Green VerificationWe provide inspections for builders who want their homes certified to the NAHB Green Building Standard. ENERGY STAR qualification goes hand in hand with homes meeting the NAHB Green Building Standard. Therefore, the ENERGY STAR inspections and NAHB Green Building Standard verification process overlap in some respects. Our NAHB Green Building Standard verification process is listed below. |
Preconstruction: |

| Review with builder which points are being claimed and level of certification targeted |

| Meeting to discuss specifications with builder and subcontractors |
Inspections: |

| Rough inspection according to NAHB Green Building Standard protocol |

| If required, exhaust fan flow testing, room pressure testing, and fresh air flow inspection |
Documentation: |

| All necessary reporting required by verifier will be submitted to NAHB. |

| Documentation provided for rebates and incentives that are available. |